
go down معنى

go down أمثلة على
  • نزل, انخفض, هزم
  • go    n. نشاط, تجربة, مح ...
  • down    adj. أدنى, هبوط, ك ...
  • go down on    مص


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. It must have got him. Go down and bring him up.
    لا يجيب - لابد انها اصابته -
  2. All right, Mr. Jackson. Suppose you go down to the cashier's office.
    حسناً سيد (جاكسون),اذهب إلى مكتب الصرّاف
  3. Why me, Charley? I feel funny going down there.
    لما انا يا تشالى لن اشعر بارتياح لذهابى هناك
  4. But you said no one could go down the river.
    ولكنك قلت لا أحد يستطيع أن يسلك النهر
  5. We're going down to see the icehouse that Dad's gonna buy.
    سنذهب لرؤية مخزن الثلج الذي سيشتريه أبي

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. grow smaller; "Interest in the project waned"
    مرادفات decline, wane
  2. stop operating; "My computer crashed last night"; "The system goes down at least once a week"
    مرادفات crash
  3. be defeated; "If America goes down, the free world will go down, too"
  4. be ingested; "This wine sure goes down well"; "The food wouldn''t go down"
  5. disappear beyond the horizon; "the sun sets early these days"
    مرادفات set, go under
  6. move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way; "The temperature is going down"; "The barometer is falling"; "The curtain fell on the diva"; "Her hand went up and then fell again"
    مرادفات descend, fall, come down
  7. go under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned"
    مرادفات sink, settle, go under
  8. be recorded or remembered; "She will go down as the first feminist"

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. go by the name of معنى
  2. go cart معنى
  3. go competitions معنى
  4. go crazy معنى
  5. go deeply into معنى
  6. go down on معنى
  7. go down the drain معنى
  8. go down well معنى
  9. go down, moses (book) معنى
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